What Experts Say About Quail Meat and Quail Eggs

According to researchers, eating eggs is good for our health, but quail egg can provide all the important nutrients that our body needs in a day.

Compared with hen egg, quail egg has a more complex composition principle. It contains 5 times more phosphorus, 7.8 times more iron, 6 times more vitamin B1 and 15 times more vitamin B2. It also contains other essential vitamins like:
A, D3, E, along with essential minerals such as calcium, zinc, potassium, and sulfur. Quail meat and eggs are recognized for their beneficial health effects. Their healing effect is proven and accepted by many specialists.

Quail egg improves body functions regardless of age, helps the proper functioning of the heart and circulatory activity, balances the gastric acid, improves lungs and fertility in men and women and has positive effects in the healing liver and kidney diseases, improve brain and memory functions, strengthen the immune system.

According to some researchers, quail egg can lower the amount of antibodies in the body responsible for allergic reactions. Quail eggs can help in pre- and postnatal time and after surgery or radiotherapy. It helps the formation of new neurons in the central nervous system in children and delays the degenerative processes of aging.

It helps in the healing process in cases of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis.

Quail eggs are recommended for those who have digestive problems because it regulates gastric acidity. Therefore, they can be beneficial for those suffering from ulcer, gastritis and those having gallstones, kidney or liver problems.

It is recommended for children because they stop infectious diseases, cures anemia, conjunctivitis and rashes.

Quail eggs boost the human metabolism, helps in preventing diabetes and treating obesity. Also, quail eggs can lower "bad" cholesterol and protect the heart and the entire circulatory system. In addition, quail eggs are good in treating asthma, diabetes and tuberculosis.

Quail eggs stimulates brain activity, memory and the whole nervous system. Quail egg consumption is good for development of the child's nervous system and brain. Studies by researchers have found that children who ate quail eggs showed an increased in IQ level.

For men, quail eggs are known for its beneficial effects on fertility, potency and libido due to their content of protein, vitamins and phosphorus. Also, quail eggs are very good for healthy skin and hair. If you find it hard to believe, then you should know that many beauty masks use this food, with excellent results.

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